Ancient places

This city situated in the North Central Province, was the capital of ancient Ceylon, where the ancient places of worship are situated. It is demarcated as the sacred city and is well guarded, while the offices, bank, Trade Centers and hotels are located in the New Town. There are 8 main places of worship known as Atamasthana.
They are :-

Sri Maha Bodiya 

Sri Maha Bodhiya
During the reign of King Devanampiyatissa, Arahath Sanghamitta Theri brought here a branch of the Bodhi Tree under which Prince Sidddartha attained enlightenment. This is the oldest living tree in the world in documented history and this tree was planted at Maha Mevuna Uyana and today it is one of the most sacred places of the Buddhist in Sri Lanka.

After King Dutugemunu became the lord of entire Sri Lanka he erected may buildings, among them Ruwanweliseya is the best known. This is also known as the Mahathupa, Swarnamali Chaitya and Rathnamali Dagaba. Inside this Dagaba are enshrined valuable gems, statues made out of gold, various valuable objects and also relics of the Buddha. On the four sides of the Stupa are the frontispieces (Vahalkada). The pinnacle of Ruwanveliseya is 24 ft. in height. The crest gem on the pinnacle is a gift from Burma. Ruwanweliseya is situated a few yards away from Lovamahapaya.

Arahath Mahinda Thera introduced Theravada Buddhism and also Chetiya worship to Ceylon. King Devanampiyatissa, built Thuparamaya in which was enshrined the collarbone of the Buddha and is considered as the first Dagaba built in Ceylon.

Is situated between Ruvanweliseya and Sri Mahabodiya. In ancient times the building included the refectory and the uposathagara. As the roof was covered with tiles made of bronze, this was known as the Brazen Palace or Lohaprasadaya. There are 40 rows, each row consists of 40 stone pillars and a total of 1600 stone pillars were used for the building. The building was completely destroyed during the reign of King Saddhatissa.

Abhayagiri Dagaba
 Was built by King Valagamba. In 103 A.D. after defeating the Tamils this King demolished the Nigantaramaya (the temple of the Niganthas) and built the Abhayagiri Vihara in the same premises. Most learned bhikkhus lived in Abhayagiri Vihara and it consisted of a large library. It is recorded that during the reigns of King Voharakatissa and King Gothabhaya this library was destroyed and the monks were driven away. King Parakramabahu renovated Abhayagiri Vihara. The relics of the Buddha are said to have been enshrined in a figure of a bull, made out of thick gold.

King Mahasen (273 - 301 A.D.) has the honour of being the creator of the largest stupa in Ceylon. A part of a sash (belt tied by the Buddha is believed to be enshrined here). Its height is said to be 400 feet. This is considered as the largest stupa in the whole world.
Mirisaveti Stupa
King Dutugemunu after defeating King Elara, built this Stupa. The extent of the land which, belongs to this Stupa is about 50 acres. Although the Kings Kasypa I & V renovated this from time to time, it was dilapidated and today it stands under construction done by the Cultural Triangle Fund
This was built by King Valagamba, in an ancient place at Galhebakada.

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